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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Busy day at work today (honestly, do we think there is ever going to be a day where I come home from work and say, "so, I did absolutely nothing at work today"? not likely!) It's good though-would much rather be busy!

We sent Weekender to print this morning, so of course, that was busy in the morning, and then the new BAB (April) came in today - I think it looks great! Always exciting to see the new magazines as they come back from the printers...

All of the BAB distribution is in-house, so by the end of the day, there was an absolutely massive pile of packages for the poor takubin (courier) guy to pick up. We have a regular guy, 'Skinny', who comes to our office, and he didn't exactly look overly impressed with us when he saw the pile waiting for him!

We have our suspicions that we aren't the favourite office on the block as apperantly in Japanese companies, when the takubin guy comes in, they all jump up and greet him and stuff, and heathen gaijins that we are, we don't. Then again, maybe it's just karma that has something to do with the takubin man song that's been made up...?

I also had my monthly evaluation with Helen today at ZEST, (mmm jambalaya!), which was good; they're not ready to get rid of me just yet :) I am seriously incredibly lucky to have fallen into this internship though! I'm not just saying that because my bosses read this, either :)

I left at about 5, and then taught from 5:30-7, which was fine, if typical...There's very little exciting about grade 3 and 6 math, although it has really driven home to me how much I dislike the subject. I'm all for accounting ($$ and all that ;) ), but this algebra business with the lack of numbers? What's with that?

Headed home and made dinner (french toast, eggs, and sausages), and am just waiting for Peter to get home so we can eat it! I'm wasting the time (and wasting is definitely the appropriate word here) by watching Saved by the Bell: The College Years via slingbox/TiVo. They seem to be in Hawaii for this specific spectacularly badly acted episode. Oh god, its just got worse-there's a commercial for a horrific looking product called the 'tweeze' it's like easy, with tweezers! Actually, it looks horrific, and painful, but it does kind of go with the flavor of the show!

Somehow like comfort food for your brain...


1 comment:

Jason h said...

Going to Cali this weekend!! We're you the one asking me about the government grants website? Here it is..Here ya go..