I've been using my new pump since yesterday, but I didn't get the blood testing sensor in until today. Since I'd basically fainted the last time it went in, I was a little bit worried about inserting the new sensor - last time, it didn't go all the way in properly, and it was very unpleasant! Luckily, this time I used a deeper insertion angle, and it went in just fine the first time. Anyway, I got it in, and didn't pass out or anything silly like that, and then I had to leave it for two hours to get soaked in 'intersitial fluids' before it starts to work.
So far having mixed results with it - it seems to be quite a bit behind if your numbers are changing quickly, but I'm sure I'll get used to how it works soon enough. I just read in the manual that if you update it more often, (like calibration), it can help with more accurate results, so I've been trying that, and it seems to be working OK... I guess my pump must have seemed weird before for the first while as well, even though I don't really remember that anymore...
Anyway, after I put the sensor in, I headed out to Shimo-Kitazawa, which is one stop away from Pete's house... It's a fun little area with tons of little clothing stores and cafes and restaurants and stuff. There was an intriguing place which looked delicious - a bakery called 'taste of Scandanavia' or something like that - I'll have to go back and sample some lovely baking! Perhaps I'll make a trip back to shop at 'Salad Bowl', which is a small, three storey clothing shop with vintage, new, and used clothing - lots of fun stuff! The whole area was full of shops like that - definitely need to head back at some point to do some shopping!
Today, I was on a mission for fake pearls and long gloves for my flapper costume, so I was poking around the shops there, but having no luck finding either item, I jumped back on the train (I didn't get lost today!) and headed back to Meji-jingumae/Omotesando to check out some of the stores down there. I looked in Accessorize, and they didn't have anything, but I finally found some fake pearls at an accessory store on Omotesando Blvd. Still on the hunt for long gloves, I headed to Takeshita-Dori, which is where you can, apparently, buy Little Bo Peep costumes on a regular basis. There are sooooo many little tiny shops and stuff, but I didn't have any glove related luck! I found a ton of ways to decorate your legs - leg warmers, tights, leggings, socks of all varieties, etc. But the only gloves I could find were short! V. ODD... It was raining though, so I didn't hang around poking about for too long.
Tonight Pete and I are watching 'I'm Alan Partridge' which is a BBC comedy about a completely useless radio dj who is forever putting his foot well and truly into his mouth as he tries to make his way, stumblingly, through life. It's pretty funny, and he has some great lines! The poor guy is SUCH a loser!
Anyway, having some issues making a not so interesting day sound interesting, but I know there are people who want to know what's going on, so, here you go!
Sorry about that, I'll try and make tomorrow a bit more entertaining!
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