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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So today was my first day of vaguely gainful employment :) I 'taught' one English lesson to a guy that found me on my profile on one of the online databases of English teachers in Japan. He said he was interested in my profile because he has friends in Vancouver, and I guess since I'm from BC, that appealed to him... Anyway, I was a little bit nervous about the whole thing, but it turned out to be totally fine - he's been studying English for six years, and just wants to practice, so my carefully planned lesson plans didn't make it out of my purse - easier for me in the future!

While I was in Shibuya anyway, I checked out another huge Bic Camera, and they too didn't have Pete's remote shutter, but the very helpful guy that was helping me in perfect English (international school maybe?) told me to check out the store "behind that building with the big ass kanji on it". However, that massive electronics store didn't have them either, so I think Pete is going to give up and order one...

I also went to check out 'Plaza Equus' which is run by JRA and occupies the third floor of the BEAM building in Shibuya. It's all modelled after an English manor home or something with lots of little rooms with wood floors and ornate molding - very old boys club! It was pretty cool with models, photos, race videos, a huuuuuuge off track betting video with lots of armchairs and stuff to watch (not sure if you could actually bet there though, but that's what it seemed like could be going on). There is also a good sized horse book library, which according to the 'Tokyo for Free' book, has about two hundred English titles - I didn't actually see a single one though!

After Plaza Equus, I headed down the road to Omotesando, kind of in the search for something tasty for lunch, but not sure what I wanted. I ended up finding a pretty cool side street off Omotesando, and heading into a three story 'Freshness Burger'. I keep walking past this Japanese burger chain, but haven't tried it until today - it was pretty yummy! Indeed fresh, and good thick cut real fries and real cheese etc. The actual restaurant was really cute - i was trying to decide what style it was in and finally settled on key west mixed with a bit of Europe, but I'm grasping at straws a little bit. Interestingly, they sell 43 types of bottled water from all around the world...random!

Eventually headed home, and put together another one of my small storage solutions from the craft store yesterday, while watching Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties and Unprecedented: the 2000 Presidential Election featuring Danny Glover from Pete's documentary shelf. As expected, they were both interesting and frustrating!

After that, I switched gears completely to Sex and the City, the complete first season (Pete has the entire series, so I'm starting at the beginning to catch up on what I missed since I watched it fairly intermittently). I kind of napped through them a little bit, but I watched about three and a half episodes before Pete came home at 11ish, and we switched to Friends (the fifth season, when Pheobe has the triplets), while eating a cobbled together dinner. Poor V, who spent the day at the office was fairly excited - she ate a bag of coffee today, which seemingly leads to an excitable lab!

Anyway, off to bed now - tomorrow is Hitomi's office party in the evening, and I have a big application form for an internship to fill out tomorrow - could be good, a couple of days a week in the publishing industry :)...


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