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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Monday was a pretty non-descript sort of day. Lots of raking and moving of roots and dirt, lots of rhubarb in sour milk, and a spectacular loss by the Canucks, but Game 7 tonight (at 2:30am), so lets not dwell on that absolute drubbing, shall we? Other than talking to Toryn before he went to work, I honestly don't think we did much worth noting Monday, but maybe Cecilia will remember and set me straight.

Yesterday I was tired and sore and my back hated me, so I managed to not get up and work, which was frustrating especially since it hurt too much to sleep, so I wasn't getting anything productive done at all. Cecilia is fighting a cold, so between the two of us, we made quite the pair!

Anyway, we finally dragged ourselves out of bed and downstairs for eggs and toast, and then went back to raking. Cecilia, lucky panda, got to work with Vitas, the hilarious Lithuanian grandfather type who is making, we're quite sure, various lewd comments 24/7. He's a sweetheart though and they enjoyed piecing together their collectively iffy German into some semblance of a working conversation and making a bunch of bench ends. Meanwhile, Pietro and I moved dirt, and more dirt, and some more dirt. We got a good lunch though--pork and potatos and no sour milk to be seen (with the exception of the rhubarb, caramel, and kafirs 'shake'), and then Zane went into town and told us to finish when we felt like slashing our throats. Nevermind that I'd passed that point at 11am, we worked until about 4 and called it a day.

I had a much needed shower, though its less than fun when your hair ends up smelling like rotting eggs after you shower, had a 'tricks' date with Cecilia and three of the littles, and sorted out couches for Pezinok, Bratislava, and Budapest, our next three stops.

After dinner of Pelmini (yay!) Cecilia, Pietro, and I headed off to the local pub for a drink and dessert. Nora's stupid dogs followed us and then proceeded to chase cars, run barking up to women walking alone, and generally cause problems. We got yelled at at least three times by angry Latvians and just shook our head and tried to convey that they weren't our dogs. Stupid things hung around the pub for awhile before FINALLY heading home at some point during our snack.

I had a lovely rhubarb cake/crumble (they sure love their rhubarb around here!) and an icecream 'cocktail,' which was peach juice and blueberry icecream, of all the flavors, all mixed together. The cake was great, partly because it had a ton of lovely fresh fruit on the side, which we are generally a bit short on this trip.

After the pub, Pietro went to the flat with Zane and Andis, and Cecilia and I walked home, getting only partially and temporarily lost (what is it with shortcuts actually being longcuts?) and then watching a Friends before falling asleep in preparation for another 6am morning this morning.


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