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Saturday, September 30, 2006

First, I just have to mention that I am exceedingly annoyed by the issues of typeface sizing I'm having with this thing! I'll fix it ASAP!

I'm shocked to discover today, although it should hardly be surprising news, that I leave in two weeks to the day. I've gotten as far as applying for my visa, but that's about it, and due to needing a doctor's note, and not being able to get in to see ANYONE until October 10th, I'm basically not going to be able to pick up my visa until the day before I fly out.... Stressful? Uh yea... possibly sufficently so to drive me to a walk in clinic.... Possibly...

Came across a fellow kabuki kabber's blog and spent ten minutes reading it, both fascinated by her travels (eight months in Cambodia, teaching disadvantaged children), and feeling like I picked the most sanitized country (with relatives no less) to go visit... Ah well, I'm sure some adventure will befall me, although I don't plan to learn quite as much about myself as El. seems to be doing - it all seems like rather a lot of work on top of a lot of work! (This is why I read pink books, not the great American Novels :o)

Speaking of which, The Harlequin thing seems to be a little more iffy than we originally thought(that whole not speaking Japanese thing), but I might get to be some kind of official slush pile reader for a company that reads (english language) books and then decides which one to buy the Japanese foreign rights to... Talk about a dream job!!!!

Went to SFU a couple of days ago to check out the publishing program, and it seems good. The campus was designed by the same architect as York, so if I didn't (quite) shrivel up and die there, I should be ok at SFU... Diane says the program is good, and people get hired out of it, so that's always nice to hear! I might get to do some more work for her as well, she seemed to be happy with the Winspear launch display... All good - I need to pad my resume for the sixteen spots in graduate publishing...

Anyway, back to Japan... I'm completely unprepared, not ready to leave home yet, and totally excited... Being a Capricorn, I know I just need to get there, and survive the next two weeks and the nine hour flight in the mean time...Can't wait to actually get there and finally meet the V-chan :)

More later,

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